Okt 13 Idag Okt 15  
Liveresultat Kommande Avslutade
Pl. Lag Ma V O F M I +/- P
1 Frankrike 8 7 1 0 29 3 26 22
2 Nederländerna 8 6 0 2 17 7 10 18
3 Grekland 8 4 1 3 14 8 6 13
4 Republic of Ireland 8 2 0 6 9 10 -1 6
5 Gibraltar 8 0 0 8 0 41 -41 0
 Pågående/Föregående omgång
Datum Match Resultat
2023-03-24 21:45 France - Netherlands 4-0
2023-03-24 21:45 Gibraltar - Greece 0-3
2023-03-27 21:45 Netherlands - Gibraltar 3-0
2023-03-27 21:45 Republic of Ireland - France 0-1
2023-06-16 21:45 Gibraltar - France 0-3
2023-06-16 21:45 Greece - Republic of Ireland 2-1
2023-06-19 21:45 France - Greece 1-0
2023-06-19 21:45 Republic of Ireland - Gibraltar 3-0
2023-09-07 21:45 France - Republic of Ireland 2-0
2023-09-07 21:45 Netherlands - Greece 3-0
2023-09-10 21:45 Greece - Gibraltar 5-0
2023-09-10 21:45 Republic of Ireland - Netherlands 1-2
2023-10-13 21:45 Netherlands - France 1-2
2023-10-13 21:45 Republic of Ireland - Greece 0-2
2023-10-16 21:45 Gibraltar - Republic of Ireland 0-4
2023-10-16 21:45 Greece - Netherlands 0-1
2023-11-18 21:45 France - Gibraltar 14-0
2023-11-18 21:45 Netherlands - Republic of Ireland 1-0
2023-11-21 21:45 Gibraltar - Netherlands 0-6
2023-11-21 21:45 Greece - France 2-2
 Nästa omgång
Datum Match Resultat