Peru - Primera División - Final Playoffs - 2023

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  • League Previous Games
  • Date Time Team Result Team League
    9 Nov 02:00 Alianza Lima ALI  0 - 2
    Universitario UNI Primera División - Final Playoffs
  • All Leagues - Games Today
  • Final Playoffs - 9 Nov 02:00
  • Alianza Lima ALI
    0 FT
    (0-1, 0-1)
    Universitario UNI
  • Estadio Alejandro Villanueva (Lima)
  • Match Actions
  • Time   Comment
    It is all over! Thank you for your attention.
    The referee blows the final whistle and the 90 minutes are over.
    Ball possession: Alianza Lima: 54%, Universitario: 46%.
    Shots on target : Alianza Lima: 0, Universitario: 3.
    Shots off target : Alianza Lima: 7, Universitario: 8.
    Corners : Alianza Lima: 2, Universitario: 3.
    Fouls : Alianza Lima: 10, Universitario: 15.
    Offsides : Alianza Lima: 1, Universitario: 1.
    Match score at Second Half is 0 - 2.
    Piero Aldair Quispe Cordova is replaced by José Daniel Rivera (UNI).
    José Vidal Bolívar (UNI) is on for Nelson Cabanillas.
    Martín Pérez Guedes is substituted. Jorge Murrugarra (UNI) joins the action.
    Gino Peruzzi is substituted. Aldair Rodríguez (ALI) joins the action.
    0-2 Horacio Calcaterra (UNI) beats the goalkeeper.
    1 yellow card(s) are given to Gabriel Costa in this season.
    Gabriel Costa was booked 1 time(s) with yellow card in last 7 games.
    History shows Gabriel Costa is booked around 79 time(s) with yellow cards in total.
    The referee shows Gabriel Costa (ALI) a yellow card.
    Edison Flores is substituted. Horacio Calcaterra (UNI) joins the action.
    Ricardo Lagos is replaced by Brayan Reyna (ALI).
    Pablo Sabbag is substituted. Gabriel Costa (ALI) joins the action.
    Referee {0} starts the second half. At least 45 minutes of the match remain.
    The referee blows for half-time.
    Ball possession: Alianza Lima: 50%, Universitario: 50%.
    Shots on target : Alianza Lima: 0, Universitario: 2.
    Shots off target : Alianza Lima: 3, Universitario: 3.
    Corners : Alianza Lima: 0, Universitario: 2.
    Fouls : Alianza Lima: 7, Universitario: 11.
    Offsides : Alianza Lima: 0, Universitario: 1.
    Half Time score of match is 0 - 1.
    It's a tough game as both teams are performing well.
    Oswaldo Valenzuela is replaced by Franco Zanelatto (ALI).
    In this season Jairo Jair Concha was booked 1 time(s) with yellow card.
    History shows Jairo Jair Concha is booked around 13 time(s) with yellow cards in total.
    Jairo Jair Concha (ALI) is booked by the referee after that incident.
    0-1 It is there! Edison Flores (UNI) scores a goal.
    {0} blows his whistle, and the match is underway.
    Before the current match points of Alianza Lima are 1 and points of Universitario are 1.
    Alianza Lima is at 1st position and Universitario is at 2nd position on league table.
    It would be fun to see the today's match, as both teams performed well against each other in all previous meetings. They both won 19 games in the previous 49 meetings.
    Alianza Lima last game against Universitario was draw, as both teams scored 1 goals.
    Universitario played their last game against Alianza Lima, in which both teams scored 1 goals and the game was draw.
    Alianza Lima won 4 games, lost 3 games and there have been 3 draws in last 10 games.
    Universitario won 4 games, lost 3 games and there have been 3 draws in last 10 games.
    The team line-ups for today's match are now available.
    Soon the match at Estadio Alejandro Villanueva (Lima) will start!